Friday, April 1, 2011

Women Alive! Program Organizational Culture

Guiding beliefs in the Women Alive! organization: This work operates with fundamental rules and it is deeply spiritually rooted in collaboration and community work and life practices.

Theories in use in this organization; pacifist conflict resolution, compassion, work of mercy, personalism.

SPECIAL TYPES OF SKILLS REQUIRED IN THIS WORK: Soft Skills are the counterpart of Hard Skills (technical, physical). They include the ability to listen to people in such a way that one understands what they mean and why they said it that way; the ability to ask for something in such a way that it can be delivered effortlessly. Mastering these skills, which are in all cases related to human interaction, enables things to work smoothly or make things happen. Most forms of communication, negotiation and leadership are soft-skill-related: achieving things in an unexpectedly easy way in a positive atmosphere. Soft Skills are not just a matter of being friendly or amiable. Moreover, even if it was possible to give a norm for the aforementioned, it would be very difficult to provide a kind of ‘standard’ that decides whether behavior is friendly or nice enough to achieve results when working in a group. Also, depending on the situation, it is sometimes even not that smart to be very friendly. There are occasions where a firm, vigorous action is needed, and in that case friendliness is not the most obvious choice to make things work. Soft Skills, no matter how we define them, have everything to do with communication and emotional intelligence applied to the workplace.

Some soft skills
Socializing with someone, Participate in a team, Lead a team , Unite a team amidst cultural differences, Teach others, Coach others, Motivate others, Provide services, Negotiate, Decision making, Problem solving, Observe forms of etiquette, Active Listening, Maintain meaningless conversation, Maintain meaningful conversation, Defuse arguments with timing, instructions and polite, concise language, Foresee situations, Establish rapport, Empathic communication, Self-awareness, Proactive Attitude

Other desirable generic ‘soft’ skills:
  • Deep Listening Skills: Ability to be present for others by listening fully and empathically; by balancing energies in relationships; the ability to facilitate the pure kindness and expression of the soul in oneself and other
  • Positive Communication: Strong and positive communication skills and interest in developing these skills further to meet the needs of our guests hose. Master a language of inclusiveness, diversity, collaboration and honor human dignity and kindness at all times. Having the talent to use positive psychology (spirituality) and competencies that leads to harmony and conflict resolution.
  • Person to person management: and relationship-building
  • Self regulation and leadership: Ability to maintain composure and an individual compassionate center during chaotic or stressful situations; Ability to respectfully redirect disrespectful, disruptive or dangerous behavior
  • CCapability to study, reflect and grow from the practice: Desire and ability to put this work into perspective. Willingness to make decisions in new situations.

The Softer Leadership possible, according to the Tao Te Ching
Act without doing
Work without effort
Think of the small as large
And the few as many
Confront the difficult
While it s still easy
Accomplish tasks by a series of small acts
When running into a difficulty
Stop and give yourself to it
Prevent trouble before it arises
Put things in order before they exist

Take action by letting things take their course
Act without expectation
Succeed without taking credit
Remaining as calm at the end as at the beginning
Be profound and subtle

Posses nothing so you have nothing to lose
Desire non desire and learn to unlearn
Simply remind others the value of their humanity
Learn to use the simplest and clearest pattern

Enjoy the labor of your hands
Be content with an ordinary work life
Nourish your work by not forcing, not dominating
Accord with the ways things are
Keep in mind the duty of delight
Be compassionate towards yourself and reconcile all beings in the world
Show all people the way back to their own true nature
Using the power of humility
With feelings of gratefulness instead
With no feelings of oppression or manipulation

Follow the will of the people
Embody the virtue of non competition but keep your spirit of playing alive
Role model simplicity, patience, compassion
Return to the source of being
Go forward without advancing
Push back without threatening
Dissolve the hard and inflexible
Remain serene

  • Staff person normally is expected to be present 6:30PM and overnight at 7:00pm to 7am
  • Support Staff or Volunteers expected to be present between 6:30pm – 9:30pm
  • Shelter door open at 7:00PM
  • Dinner is served at 8:00pm
  • Doors and shades close at 8:30PM (nobody else in), ladies get ready for bed.
  • Activity or relaxation time 7PM – 10:30PM
  • Lights out at 10:30PM
  • Lights up at 5:30AM
  • Guests and volunteers out and space caned up by 6:30AM Overnight shift ends at 7AM

Invitation to the guests
WA invite their guest:

(A) To live, to love, to do things together in harmony, to create relationships with others that are mutually enriching, beneficial, supportive and at the same time are pure and kind to liberate the soul and celebrate the best of each other, to acknowledge and serve the ones in need, including those in deep emotional distress; to pursue balance, beauty and grace in all moments and conversations; demonstrating respect and dignity for all. (Note: this is an adaptation of the Franciscan Workers Mission)

(B) To share this shelter by understanding and following the rules and polices of the shelter organization. This is what we explain: Rules and policies are here for a reason, the main reason is to share this shelter.  Rules have to be followed and obeyed at all times: Individually you may not agree with or dislike certain rules or policies, but we can all agree in that rules serve a purpose: Rules and policies demand a united code of behavior that ensures safety and well being for all: It is everyone’s responsibility to know the rules and policies of Dorothy’s Place and become familiar with all regulations and controls and obey them, staying safe and legal within the shelter; Always behave within the boundaries prescribed by the rules and policies in place. You may not be always free of trouble but by following the rules you will be contributing with the goals we are trying to accomplish; Following the rules can become an opportunity for self discipline and character building. The more you expose to learning and behaving within certain rules and policies the more systematically you learn, enrich your experiences of life and become part of a community.

Petition to the guests
  • Be approachable and available to the staff and attentive to the instructions given by them.
  • Follow the rules, it is important to create some order and neatness
  • Be visible and friendly; take time to talk to the shelter aid.
  • Contribute with harmony, peace, engage actively and beautifully in learning and purifying the emotional environment and breaking down aggressiveness.

Women Alive! Shelter Expectations
©  The front door will remain unlocked until 8J0pm. The ladies are allowed to come and go as they please until then. After 8J0 the doors are locked and the woman prepare for bed. If someone decides that they are not going to stay, this is the time they are asked to leave.  
© Male visitors are not allowed.
©  Male volunteers are allowed on the kitchen side but they are asked to respect the personal space of the women.  
©  Pets are not allowed in the building. If the pet is domesticated, the owner feels confident, and the staff feels confident, the pet doesn’t have to be secured. The owner must be aware that Dorothy’s cannot claim responsibility for the pet.
© The smoking of cigarettes/tobacco is the only kind of smoking allowed on Dorothy’s property.  Smoking in building is not allowed; there are designated smoking areas available until 10:30pm with the presence of staff or a volunteer.
©  Drugs and alcohol are forbidden from premises save for prescribed medication. Weaponry is also not allowed.  
©  Guests, volunteers, and staff members are expected to act safely and respectfully at all times or they may be asked to leave.
© Guests may use shower (10 minute blocks) 7PM – 10PM.
©  Depending on staffing and laundry back-up, guests may ask to do laundry between 7PM and 9PM.
©  Shower and laundry services stop at 10pm
©  Unless accompanied by staff or volunteer, guests should refrain from entering the kitchen.
©  All overnight guests are expected to be in bed by 10:30 and will be woken up at 5:30am.
©  Dinner is offered at 8pm. All ladies are welcome to eat in the kitchen. Plates of food are not allowed outside.

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